We try to be as eco friendly as we can in Bed & Chaï. Most of our furnitures come from recycled materials. All our products are selected by Cora and Clara, it creates this nice atmosphere.
Salaam Balak Trust : the aim of the organization is to provide a caring environment for the children. volunteer in education, mental health and health care, computer skills, creative expression (such as sport)… It is beter if you can volunteer for a long period but you can also do it if […]
Taking the rickshaw is a fun way to explore Delhi, and easy way to get around, as you will find rickshaws everywhere in the streets. In the rickshaw you can see everything around you, you can smell, hear all the bustle and hustle of the city. It is amazing, the […]
You can visit delhi by cycle ! You can visit this website : http://www.delhibycycle.com/ and chose between five tours. It has been created by a Dutch, Jack Leenaars. It starts at 6:30 am, until 10:30 am. It is really pleasant to start early in the morning, as it is not crowded and […]
She made the selection of all her adresses with this criteria : does the adress help someone fall in love with the city ? It is a beutiful book, with handmade paper. It is a handbook for travelers who want to see very nice places, the accomodations are most of the time […]