Experience Ashrams in India

An âshram is a temple where yoga class and meditation are teached by a guru also called “yogi”. Âshrams are often located in laces off from the world. There were âshrams in India since more than 4000 years bc. Most famous âshrams of the XX th century are the âshram of Sabarmati in Ahmedabad where Mahatma Gandhi settled his headquarters during the fight for Independance and the one founded by Aurobindo Ghose, a rebel who became philiosoph in Pondichéry, he is also the founder of Auroville.


A vacation in an âshram during your jouney is one of the best way to rest and to make a point on your trip, learn to know your bidy, and maybe your spirit? Capital of yoga is Rishikesh, dozens of yoga centre are locayed along Ganga.



Here are a few âshrams we have heard about and we recommand:


Santosh puri (located between Rishikesh and Haridwar) Maybe it is expensive and crowded but class quality is excellent.


Amma’s âshram (located in the Kerala)


Sri aurobindo ashram (located in tamil Nadu) Sadly, the long time Retreat is not possible.



Tushita monastry (Dharamsala). This âshram proposes budhist retreats of 10 daysfor non budhist. Between meditation and cyoga class, you will be able to enjoy the begining of himalaya.



Do not hesitate to share your recommandations with us!